034: Where Life Coaching and Real Estate Investing Meet with Alyssa Holbrook

It’s not uncommon for someone to fear real estate investing, especially for people new to the concept. They might believe they don’t have enough money to start or maybe aren’t sure what types of properties they should invest in. Rather than push through their analysis paralysis, they never even begin.

Having a coach in your corner can help you overcome indecision and build generational wealth with real estate. The right coach can teach you how to reframe your mindset into one that’s ready to take action and move forward with your dreams.

This episode of Zen and the Art of Real Estate Investing features Alyssa Holbrook. Alyssa is a certified life coach through the Life Coach School and a certified Advanced Deep Dive coach specializing in helping real estate investors build million-dollar real estate portfolios in just six months. She began investing in real estate at just 14 years old. Today, she is passionate about helping people change their mindsets around investing.

Alyssa knows how real estate investing can change a family’s wealth trajectory, and she shares some of the secrets to shifting your mindset around it.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why reading the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad led Alyssa Holbrook to buy her first property at 14 years old, and how her parents supported her

  • What her first property was, how she used that property to purchase her next one, and why it instilled a love of real estate in her

  • How she became a coach, why she views sales as helping people rather than hard sales, and the reason sales is all about selling yourself

  • How Alyssa coaches her clients into a take-action mindset

  • Her journey from real estate agent to coach and what gives her the most satisfaction at work

  • What her investments look like today and the ones she enjoys the most

  • Why you need a backup plan for every property

  • Where Alyssa’s clients come from, and why she’s so excited for them to win

  • When new investors need a coach and how you can develop the decisiveness you need to be a great real estate investor

  • How she views real estate as art and what it means to her

  • The one piece of advice Alyssa would give to new real estate investors right now

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Alyssa’s Links:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCGZWk6I5bg7tNehiB1md-Q

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alyssa.d.holbrook

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RE_LifeCoach

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alyssa-holbrook-a190072a

Instagram: instagram.com/alyssaholbrookcoach

Book a Coaching Session -https://linktr.ee/re_lifecoach

Episode 34

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